Guide to Help You Measure Your Fleet Tech Performance

Guide to Help You Measure Your Fleet Tech Performance

Considering and ensuring greater fleet tech performance is crucial for an efficient fleet management system. You must ensure that the projects are completed on time, with multiple projects receiving equal attention. A proper fleet management system would also look into the quality control of your vehicles and make sure your services are not repeated on cars. An efficient fleet management system using advanced software and cutting-edge tools can reduce the costs incurred in managing your fleet. Furthermore, they can also provide a competitive edge to your company over the rest of the market. However, you might fail to accomplish these if you do not ensure proper tech performance. Remember, tech performance is crucial for using various vehicle tracking system apps, most commonly used in a vehicle tracking and fleet management system. Here are some of the essential things to consider while ensuring the top-notch performance of the technicians in your fleet management system.

Time Taken for Completing Projects

As goes the old proverb-time is money holds true for fleet management. You must measure the time taken by your drivers to move the vehicles inside or outside the shop. The final aim is to take the least time possible without compromising the quality of service. You can implement different time-tracking software to get a log of the total hours taken to complete specific projects. Once you have a detailed account of these, you can categorize the projects that take maximum time and try to reduce them. Such a mechanism helps enhance the efficiency of your fleet and lower your costs.

Account for the Total Projects Completed

While it is crucial to consider the time taken to complete projects, it is also vital to account for the total number of completed projects. Remember, the latter indicates your efficiency and performance. While, on the one hand, timely completion of projects is crucial, you must also ensure your fleet can maintain multiple tasks simultaneously without compromising on each of their quality. Thus, you can assess the efficiency of your fleet management system through both these factors.

Accounting for the Actual Working Hours

Your employees might keep themselves logged in for eight hours at a stretch, but you might find a sorry amount of work being done. Such a contradiction arises because of the difference between the actual working hours and your log-in employees. A difference between these two parameters may indicate your employees are not using their time wisely or are not working for the hours they are supposed to. Thus, tracking service logs helps you ensure employee efficiency and boost your business operations.

Quality Control Assessment

While, on the one hand, it is crucial to ensure your fleet completes multiple projects within the deadlines and the employees are highly efficient, fleet management companies might fail to look into the quality of their vehicles. It is vital to conduct regular quality checks of your cars and service them regularly. Regular quality checks help you maintain a decent standard of performance and avoid sending out damaged vehicles, which might affect your reputation. Damaged cars can also be dangerous, and hence, one should not compromise on its servicing and maintenance.

Avoid Repeat Services on Vehicles

One of the most effective ways to maintain an efficient fleet management system is by avoiding repeat vehicle services. This usually happens because you fail to keep track of the services. Thus, it would be best to have a spreadsheet of to take into account all the activities that take place. This helps you understand the services required for specific vehicles and avoid unnecessary time and revenue wastage. A vehicle tracking and fleet management system can certainly help with it.